Here's how you can partner with us to reach Baltimore with the GospelMission Opportunities
Blow are some of the ways your church or missions team can serve the people of Baltimore and Christian Liberty Church. You can sign up to partner with CLC using the form below.The Christian Liberty Church Anniversary
Dates: Held annually on the Third Sunday of May
This special day celebrates the blessings of the Lord’s planting of the church. The day begins with a special Worship Service and culminates with a barbecue, fellowship, and games for the children.
O Give Thanks Sunday and Community Thanksgiving Dinner
Dates: Held annually on the Sunday prior to Thanksgiving Day
This special celebration is held to give thanks unto the Lord for His bountiful blessings to the church and to His people. This day also includes the serving of a free full Thanksgiving meal to the community as well as to give away perishable and non-perishable groceries containing provisions for a full Thanksgiving dinner. The church distributes free turkeys and non-perishable groceries for their Thanksgiving meal at home.
Christmas Worship Service and Community Christmas Fellowship
Dates: Held annually on the Sunday before Christmas
This special worship service is a celebration through Word and song of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! This day includes the giveaway of toys, children’s gifts, and children’s clothing for Christmas. The church also holds a Dessert Fellowship after service. The church photographer takes family photos to keep as commemorative.